Severe Back Pain
Charles came to chiropractic in 2009 suffering from degenerative disks which were causing severe back pain. He had this low back pain for years and said that the pain was so severe that it hindered his daily activities. Charles was no longer able to exercise and went to an orthopedic doctor who performed MRI scans and x-rays. The orthopedic doctor said that he would do a back surgery but that the surgery would be temporary at best. So Charles took pain killers, to try and live with the pain.
After getting specific postural x-rays and a complete neurological diagnostic test, Charles saw that his spine had been compensating for the degeneration. He realized that he desperately needed chiropractic care. After starting chiropractic care Charles noticed life-changing results in the first month of chiropractic corrective care. He has been able to eliminate his pain killers.
Charles says, “The people here are excellent and very caring. My results speak for itself. My spine is straight and I have no pain. I have resumed my daily activities and started exercising again.”